Following the President's intervention, the Minister directs the GES to revise the dismissal of Chiana SHS girls.

 President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has stepped in to help the eight Chiana senior high school students who were expelled by the Ghana Education Service (GES) for insulting the President.

This was after it was brought to the President's attention. As a result, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, Minister of Education, has directed the GES to consider alternative disciplinary action rather than dismissal.

Kwasi Kwarteng, the Education Minister's spokesperson, announced the latest development in a press statement issued on Friday, January 13, 2023.

The GES dismissed the female students for insulting President Akufo-Addo in a video they recorded and shared on social media.

They are students at the Chiana Senior High School in the Upper East Region's Kassena Nankana West District, and they were suspended last year before being dismissed, according to the Ghana Education Service, to act as a deterrent. to other students.

They were seen in a widely circulated video cursing the President with vulgar and unprintable language.
The video was created in response to the President's national economic address on November 30, 2022, which became known as l'argent n'aime pas le bruit, or money does not like noise, sika mp dede.

After receiving their dismissal letters, the students were seen in another video apologizing for their comments.

The GES also apologized on behalf of the students and school to the President and the general public.


  1. Anonymous8:42:00 AM

    Good news thanks to the president


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