
Showing posts from December 11, 2022

It was amazing to see what Morocco's team was able to accomplish. - Biden

  Following the Moroccan national team's impressive showing in the FIFA 2022 World Cup, US President Joe Biden has added his name to a growing list of admirers who have expressed their public admiration for them. In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Biden thanked Morocco's head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, for inviting him to witness the semifinal match between Morocco and France. This week, Akhannouch traveled to Washington to attend the US-Africa conference. Regardless of your allegiance, Biden said, "It was amazing to observe what this squad, Morocco, has been able to accomplish." The tweet also included a picture of Akhannouch and Biden enjoying the game alongside other African leaders, including Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. Over the course of the international tournament, the US has been among those who have admired Morocco's Atlas Lions. Every time Morocco competed in a World Cup match, the US embassy in Rabat prepared to support the Atlas Lions. Follo

What transpired at the summit of US and African leaders?

  This week, the Biden administration extended the red carpet to 45 African leaders of state in an effort to demonstrate that the US was committed to re-engaging with the continent in all fields. On Tuesday, the US-Africa Leaders Summit began with such pomp that many questioned whether the event would be a triumph of theatrics over content. The delegates, however, received a welcome surprise. A number of tangible accomplishments were made, including investment agreements between the US government and the corporate sector, a cheerful sleigh of new funding initiatives, and bilateral talks between the US Departments of State and Commerce and the heads of state of Africa. The second US-Africa Leaders Summit's key business agreements, announcements, and highlights are summarized below. First day: Monday A confidential ministerial discussion on the celebrated African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a piece of legislation that gives African economies duty-free access to US markets, was

IMF agreement will include stringent fiscal restrictions, - Terkper

  According to Seth Terkper, a former finance minister, Ghana's staff level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will enable the Fund to launch a number of actions that will force the government to make crucial fiscal decisions. For instance, he said that the IMF Board can urge the Bank of Ghana to halt providing government money until the government is required to enact some stringent regulations as part of the conditions. Speaking to journalists via a zoom presentation, Mr. Terkper said it would be crucial to follow the requisite roadmaps that the IMF Board would impose before approving the transaction in its entirety. He said that after considering the personnel agreement agreement, the board would provide recommendations to the government. "You will see the extent to which the Bank of Ghana measures in financing government expenditure will be terminated when the paper eventually goes to the IMF Board and is released," he remarked. According to Mr. Terk

Roman Saiss, the captain of Morocco, will not play against France in the semifinals. - QATAR 2022

Roman Saiss, the team captain, is a question mark for Moroccan coach Walid Regragui ahead of Wednesday's semifinal match against France. The Atlas Lions defeated Portugal 1-0 on Saturday, with the Moroccan captain being carried off the field on a stretcher 13 minutes into the game. Thirteen minutes into The Atlas Lions' 1-0 victory over Portugal on Saturday, the Moroccan captain was being carried off the field on a stretcher while sobbing. Nayef Akrad and Nawsir Mazrawi, however, might be permitted to join the squad for the match against France. Due to injuries, the two players were unable to compete against Portugal in the quarterfinals. According to a source in the squad's camp, "Mazrawi trained in accordance with the precautionary measures that he got from the technical and medical personnel of the Lions team, for fear of aggravating his health and re-injuring." Morocco became the first nation from Africa to get to the World Cup semifinals. When the Atlas Lions

IMF and Ghana establish a staff-level agreement on a $3 billion, three-year extended credit facility.

The International Monetary Fund staff and government have reached a Staff-Level Agreement on economic policies and reforms to be supported by a new three-year arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) of about $3 billion.  The government's sturdy reform program, which aimed to rebuild macroeconomic stability and debt sustainability while safeguarding the most vulnerable, maintaining financial stability, and laying the groundwork for a strong and inclusive recovery, was crucial in this decision, the fund said in a statement. The staff-level agreement, however, is dependent on receiving the required finance assurances from Ghana's partners and creditors as well as IMF Management and Executive Board approval. The government has started a thorough debt operation, the statement continued, to help with the goal of restoring public debt sustainability. However, the Fund stated that before the proposed Fund-supported programme can be submitted to the IMF Executive Board for

The Western Railway line will be finished on time.

Work is being done to finish the Western Railway Line's sections from Takoradi Port to Huni Valley in the Western Region within the stipulated 24-month time frame. In order to transport materials to the Port of Takoradi by rail rather than using the road system, construction work on a segment of the project up to Nsuta is already pretty much finished. To fund the project, the government in August 2020 acquired a €523 million credit line from Deutsche Bank, the German Development Bank. The Takoradi Port to Huni Valley Railway Project, which will take 42 months to complete, has started to take shape. The Minister of Finance (MoF), Ken Ofori-Atta, stated during the presentation of the 2023 Budget in Parliament that efforts were being made to hasten the construction work to finish a section of the project up to Nsuta for the transportation of minerals to the Takoradi Port by rail rather than using the road network. According to him, development on the 22 km (km) Kojokrom to Manso leg o

Google AdSense: The Ultimate Guide To How To Make Money With AdSense (And Avoid Google's Blacklist)

  Google AdSense is one of the most popular online advertising networks and is similar to other ad networks such as Facebook and Google. A program like this is a great way to earn money with your website. In this article, we’ll go over how to sign up to Google AdSense, the different types of ads they offer, and how to avoid the blacklist. 1. How to sign up to Google AdSense In order to sign up for Google AdSense, you must first have a website that can be monetized. One way to test if your website can be monetized is to run an experiment where you show AdSense ads to a few of your website visitors. If you're not sure if your website can be monetized, you can ask a developer to test it for you. Another way to test if your website can be monetized is to run a free test on your website. You should also make sure that your website has a high quality of traffic. In order to make sure your website has high traffic, you should try to make it as visible as possible and make sure it is trend

Qatar 2022: Poetry by Peter Drury Recalls Morocco's Historic Victory Over Portugal

  Obviously, Peter Drury has taken over as the voice of English football commentary. When Morocco defeated Portugal to become the first nation from the continent to get to the semifinals of a FIFA World Cup, he was at his most poetic. Peter Drury is currently just displaying when he stands in front of the microphone. The prominent English analyst waxed poetic in his description of Morocco's triumph over Portugal, establishing the Atlas Lions as the first country from Africa to advance to the FIFA World Cup semifinals. "IT IS A MOROCCAN MARVEL! THE ATLAS LIONS ARE NOW JUST ONE MORE PROWLING STEP FROM THE WORLD CUP FINAL ITSELF!    "THE ARAB WORLD UNITES! THE AFRICAN CONTINENT BELIEVES! ITS STANDARD BEARER CONTINUES TO CONJURE WITH THE BARELY BELIEVABLE! "FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD CUP THERE WILL BE AN AFRICAN NATION IN THE SEMIFINALS! AND PORTUGAL ARE OUT, AND CRISTIANO RONALDO IS OUT!"            #FIFAWORLDCUP On Wednesday, Morocco will now f

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission Receives a Working Visit from the Africa Civil Aviation Commission

  On December 8, 2022, H.E. Dr. Omar Alieu Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, received a working visit from a delegation from the Africa Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC), a Specialized Agency of the African Union, at the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. The delegation was led by Mrs. Adefunke Adeyemi, the Secretary General. They talked about ways to improve and broaden their collaboration between the two organizations. President Touray emphasized that opening the airspaces and fostering competition are necessary since air transportation is crucial to integration. Mrs. Adefunke Adeyemi claims that the ACAC supports an environmentally sustainable, safe, and secure aviation industry. APO Group is distributing this material on the Economic Community of West African States' behalf (ECOWAS). APO is the source of this press release. The editorial staff of African Business does not review the content, and neither our editing teams, proofreaders, nor fact check