
Showing posts from April 23, 2023

NFL Network opts not to renew contract of JIM TROTTER

One issue with sports leagues hiring reporters to cover their leagues is that there are unspoken limits on how aggressively those reporters can cover the league. Mike Silver, who previously worked at NFL Network, has been open about his departure. Jim Trotter , whose time at NFL Network is coming to an end, could be an example of a journalist who was a little too dedicated to his craft. Trotter tweeted on Monday, "This will be my final week with the NFL Media Group." "Over the weekend, I was informed that my contract would not be renewed." I'd like to express my gratitude to NFL Network and for the lessons learned and proved over the last five years." That last line was most likely not a result of carelessness or coincidence. Lessons were learned and confirmed. Trotter may have learned and/or confirmed that there is a line that NFL Media reporters cannot cross — and that he may have crossed it. If he did, it could have happened when Trotter pressed