
Showing posts from November 20, 2022

Our obstacles are formidable, we must remain optimistic. -To Ghanaians, Ofori-Atta

 The public has been urged not to give up despite the current economic crisis by Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta. He asserts that despite the overwhelming obstacles, Ghanaians should maintain belief in the government. Instead, Mr. Ofori-Atta urged Ghanaians to take part in shaping the nation's path forward. That, according to the concerned minister, distinguishes the nation and its people from other people. The obstacles we confront are overwhelming, but we must not lose sight of what makes Ghanaians unique: their tenacity, entrepreneurship, faith, courage, solidarity, and hope. I thus ask that each of us contribute in a positive way to putting our country back on track. Ours is a nation with genuine prospects; challenges notwithstanding, Ghana will rise again. My confidence is based on the fact that much has already been accomplished, particularly during the Fourth Republic, and our policy, as outlined in this budget to reset the economy, if supported, will ensure that, in fact, w