The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) has announced that all matches played in Italy between now and the end of next weekend will benefit from a "minute of reflection" before kick-off."His goal celebrations, in which his face became a symbol of collective joy, will forever remain an integral part of Italian football's heritage,"
FIGC president Gabriele Gravina said in a statement.Toto Schillaci played for Juventus and Inter after starting his career in the early 1980s in Messina and enjoyed modest success at club level.His best club season came just before the 1990 World Cup, when he scored 21 times in all competitions as Juventus won the UEFA Cup and UEFA Cup.
But he went from club hotshot to national hero that summer, scoring six times as Italy reached the semi-finals of Italia 90.
"At Juve, we were lucky enough to be excited for him before he did the same to all of Italy in that extraordinary summer of 1990," Juventus said."Goodbye, Totò. THANK YOU."
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